As with all neurologic reflex mechanisms, efferent activity is brought about by afferent input. 所有的膀胱神经反射及兴奋传出均来自于膀胱的感觉传入。
Conditioned reflex, different from the inherent unconditioned reflex, is an advanced nervous activity gradually developing in human's life. 条件反射,不同于与生俱来的非条件反射,是人们在生活中建立起来的高级神经活动。
Group B and sham group kept consciousness, the righting reflex and corneal reflex existed all the time during the operation, the pupil just became pale lightly, the gnawing activity weakened not markedly. 单纯颈总动脉阻断的B组、假手术组在手术过程中始终保持意识清楚,翻正躺和角膜反射存在,瞳孔轻度发白,咬啮活动减弱不明显。
These results suggest that, stimulation of acupoint is able to produce ipsilateral neurogenic inflammation in the same segment along the meridian and in the corresponding visceral organs, and the long axon reflex may play a role in the activity of the meridian. 结果提示,穴位刺激可引起节段内循经及相关内脏的神经源性炎症反应,长轴突反射可能参与了经络活动。
Objective: To study the effect of volume expansion on cardiac-renal reflex activity and the role of cardiac-renal reflex in the regulation of intergrated function. 目的:研究血容量增加对心-肾反射活动的影响,和心-肾反射在整体功能调节中的作用。
Effect of sinomenine on the defense conditioned reflex activity 青藤碱的药理作用&Ⅴ.对防御性条件反射活动的影响
Study of monocular conditioned reflex activity after unilateral ablation of cerebral cortex in rabbits 切除家兔一侧大脑皮层对单眼条件反射活动的影响
Conclusion HA cerebroventricular administration could result in the rapid resetting of CBR, the decrease of reflex sensitivity and the responses of CBR to HA might be diminished by peripheral α 2 receptor activity. 结论脑室给HA使CBR产生快速重调定,反射敏感性下降;外周α2受体作用可减弱i。
These results indicate that the facilitating action of LHb on spinal defensive reflex is probably brought out by participation of the medullary tail-flick related cell activity. 实验结果说明,外侧缰核对节段性防御反射有易化作用,这种易化作用可能是通过延髓内撤反应和给反应细胞的协同活动而实现的。
The effects of stimulation of the lung stretch receptors on somatic reflex activity 肺牵张感受器的刺激对肌体反射活动的影响
Conclusion Multipolar brain reflex instrument have finer curative effect on symptom of neurotic function which the patients of serious brain injury have produced defect especially in the consciousness, limbs activity and language. 结论多极脑反射治疗仪对重型颅脑损伤病人的意识、肢体活动、言语方面有较好的治疗效果。
METHODS: Righting reflex method in mice and electroencephalography ( EEG) in rats were used to determine effects of SCZ on sleep and hypnotic activity of melatonin. 方法:采用小鼠协同戊巴比妥钠睡眠法和大鼠脑电图描记法测定盐酸氨基脲对睡眠和褪黑激素催眠作用的影响。
Rilmenidine did not affect the reflex activation of renal nerve activity via the somatosensory system although the characteristics within the power spectra underwent certain changes which might have a functional impact at the level to the kidney. 肾神经活动的功率谱特征的改变虽然提示了利美尼定对肾交感神经活动可能具有某种程度的影响,但是它不通过体感系统影响肾交感神经活动的反射活性。
Reflex Effects of Intestinal Mechanoreceptors on Splanchnic Nerve Activity 小肠机械感受器对内脏神经传出电活动的调节作用
Methods: The interval of disappearance and recovery of the righting reflex of mice was recorded as sleeping time to evaluate the effect of Jisheng on sodium pentobarbital and barbital sleeping time or spontaneous motor activity with different doses and administration manners. 方法:以翻正反射消失出现时间作为睡眠时间,观察不同剂量和给药方式下肌生液对小鼠戊巴比妥钠和巴比妥钠睡眠时间及自主活动等的影响。
An analysis of the visceral reflex activity induced by Electroacupuncture of point 电刺激穴位诱发内脏神经反射电活动的分析
Objective: To asses quantitatively the sympathetic reflex activity in patients with cerebral infarction, and explore the regulation mechanism of autonomic nerve center. 目的:应用交感神经皮肤反应检查法(SSR)定量评价脑梗死患者的交感神经反射活动,并探讨其植物神经中枢调节机制。
The 7 patients with abnormal H reflex all restored normal and the 6 cases producing spontaneous electric activity did not have any obvious change. H反射异常者7例,全部恢复正常;出现自发电活动者6例,无明显变化。
Baroreceptor reflex sensitivity ( BRS) is blunted and sympathetic nerves activity is augmented in spontaneous hypertensive rats ( SHR). 高血压大鼠压力感受性反射敏感性(BRS)降低,交感神经活动增强,但其机制不明。
Interlimb reflex activity after spinal cord injury in man: Strengthening response patterns are consistent with ongoing synaptic plasticity 男性脊髓损伤后的肢体间反射活动:强化反应模式与正在进行的突触可塑性相一致
It is governed by central nervous system and adjusted by various reflex activity, peripheral proprioceptive sense and optesthesia, besides of coordinating construction among muscle groups. Thus, balance is a set of complex course. 人体的平衡功能受中枢神经系统支配,为各种反射活动、外周本体感觉和视觉所调整,还有各肌群间相互协调收缩,因此,平衡的过程是一整套错综复杂的过程。
Foundation of the pathway was based on the influence of the vestibular signal to the activity of baroreceptor reflex, and emphasized the effects of the otoliths afferent to the cardiovascular activity. 这一通路是以前庭信号影响减压反射弧的活动为基础提出的,并强调耳石器传入对心血管活动的影响。